
After 10 years as an art director in the soul sucking video game industry (150 games!), I chose my own path and began freelancing as a designer and social media admin.

I felt like I could never find products online that actually showcased my eclectic taste. Since I am a designer, I wanted to make things that reflected my various passions. I also plan to help artists that I know bring their dreams to fruition in the future by selling their creations or collaborating with them on it. 

My client list over the past 12 years has included the following luminaries: Holt McCallany, Helmut Berger, Westgate Gallery, Lydia Lunch, The Damned, Christian McLaughlin, Bobby BeauSoleil, Nina Antonia, IBTrav, :AJNA:, and Debbie Rochon. A sampling of my portfolio is below.